Shabbat Vaera

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Friday, January 20
4:47pm / Candle lighting 
5:30pm / Kabbalat Shabbat (at the Shtiebel)
Shabbat sponsorships available
6:30pm / Shtiebel Teen Dinner 

Shabbat, January 21
8:15am / Daf Yomi  (at the Shtiebel)
9:00am / Shacharit
~11:30 / Shabbat Kiddush Lunch 
 sponsorships available!

Kiddush co-sponsored by Bina Peltz, Gavi Barnhard, and Adin Barnhard: In honor of Becca Stein and Shmuel Rosenblatt’s recent engagement! 

3:45pm / Mishnah Berurah class with Rabbanit Fruchter
4:40pm / Mincha and Seudah Shlishit 

5:50pm / Havdalah

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